Monday 2 December 2013

Everything Around You Is Happening For The Good...

"Whatever belongs to you today, belonged to someone else earlier and shall belong to someone else in the future. Change is the Law of Universe."

~Bhagavad Gita

I cannot emphasize this enough, how it is so important to practice the Art of Now. The more you practice living in the moment and just living for today the more you feel connected with you inner self, more grounded, importantly more peaceful everyday. 

As we hit the month of December and the holidays are just around the corner, I find that a lot of people look back on to the year. What did I achieve this year? What did I not achieve this year? December is a month filled with love and joy, where families and loved ones come together. However for some people it might be a hard time of the year,  where some might feel lonely, or not complete with their inner self. 

Some are waiting for the year to end, waiting for that fresh start, that they can get from the upcoming New Year. Some thinking how much they have to accomplish and what needs to be done for next year and already beginning to worry about the new upcoming year before it even begins! This Holiday Season,  lets not dwell over our past and not worry about the upcoming new year. Try to relax and don't sit there waiting for the year to end, waiting around for the new year so you can have a fresh new beginning. Everyday is a new a start! Every moment, every second counts! There is no beginning of time, there is no end of time. Time was never made to be measured, but yet everyday all we do is measure time. Labeling time as past and future, and then dwelling over it when really there's nothing we can do about it. Dwelling over something that is dead and worrying about something that is unborn.The only thing we have control of is, is today, which will effect how tomorrow will look like and how we will perceive yesterday as.  The only thing we need to do is, is concentrate on the present moment! When you concentrate on the present moment and practice the Art of Now you will see how everything in your life begins to flow with effortless ease. 

If we stopped the concept of measuring time eliminating past and future all we are left with is the Present  Moment, which is the essence of time, "NOW" which is your time! When you live in the present moment you only realize that everything around you is happening for the good. There is no such thing as something bad happening to you, it's your mind's perception of how you interpret the situations that occur in your life. If somewhere through out the year you lost someone, or maybe a relationship didn't work out, or perhaps going through a divorce, remember the Universe is making room for someone better! Loving is leaving and leaving is Loving. Maybe you are upset that you lost your job this year, or didn't get that promotion you wanted, well guess what that promotion wasn't meant for you yet, and losing that job is because, again the Universe is making room for something better for you in which you will thrive higher in. The Bhagavad Gita, The 700 Verse Hindu Scripture states, 

"Whatever happened in the past, it happened for the good; whatever is happening is happening for the good; whatever shall happen in the future, shall happen for the good only. Do not weep for the past, do not worry for the future, concentrate on your present life."

~ Bhagavad Gita ~ 

So this Holiday Season, the only present you should be anticipating on is the Present of Now and Nothing else! 

Love. Peace. Harmony. 

In Metta To All My Friends, 
Dr. Sania A. 

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