Monday 20 January 2014

Why does Silence Hurt?

Often people are scared of being alone in the midst of silence, because they'll get answers about themselves that they don't want to know.  - Dr. Sania A. 

Sometimes one may be scared of being alone in complete silence, afraid of walking alone, thinking alone, breathing alone.

When one steps into silence, one begins to hear the whispers of his or her soul. The whispers that can't be heard when the mind is running in the loud unstoppable chaotic world. The whispers could be the answers to problems, the whispers slowly become solutions that become consciously heard in one's mind. However it's easy to hear the whispers of the truth and ignore them, and never accept them, the hardest part is to accept that there is pain and there is suffering within.  If we keep  running and working away, ignoring the things that are toxic to our lives, we will never accept that there is something that is making us suffer.

We often walk around with a rock in our shoe even though we know that the rock is making us hurt. So why don't we simply stop to take that rock out of the shoe so that we can be free from pain? Because sometimes some people find it harder to remove the suffering because in reality that means that they really are suffering and they don't want to accept that they are actually suffering.

"Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows." - Unknown

 Often what we feel in our heart we simply block it with self destruction resorting to alcohol or drugs making one feel that they can escape from their reality. But when one decides to make a choice to block what pain really lye's within the heart, that only pushes that individual many steps back from the truth.

So going back to the question of why silence hurts, because a lot of us actually get so caught up in the reality of suffering that we have cultivated on, that we forget what true happiness actually is.  Often many tell me that they find it hard to meditate and the meditation session actually creates anxiety for them and they just don't feel like meditation is the right thing for them. The truth is when we are in silence we begin to see things more clearer, we begin to see things that we have been blocking out. When I first started meditating years ago, during my meditation I would begin to cry. As time went by I became aware of what was causing me to suffer and during my meditation the tears that were rolling down from my eyes were actually me letting go of my suffering and releasing all the pain that I was carrying inside of me. It was only when I was breathing in silence did I become more aware of what was going on in my life and what needed to be changed.

Today, find a comfortable place to sit. Close your eyes. Take three deep breathes inhaling from your nose and exhaling out from you nose. Bring your awareness to the center of your chest focusing on your heart chakra. Imagine yourself encircled within a green light, a light that protects you from all the negative influences. A green light that only radiates love and happiness. Then slowly feel the energy encircling your heart, what do you feel within your heart? Perhaps there is pain, there maybe a heart break, a loss, or even happiness. Welcome that emotion! If it is pain that you have been carrying within your heart, accept that pain and let go of that pain. Don't ignore any feeling or emotions that your heart carries inside you, accept it, become aware of it and then simply let go of it. After you have mentally let go of all the heaviness that you have been carrying inside you, feel how light you feel now, now that you have let go of that suffering. Feel how much more room you have now in your heart, room for new experiences and love that will only bring you happiness. Today as you carry on with your day, allow each emotion to come into your awareness, simply welcome each emotion, accept it and let it go! 

Don't let silence hurt you, let silence make you more aware of who you are, what needs to be changed in your life, the emotions that you carry inside and what you need to let go of! 

In Metta. 
Dr. Sania A. 

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Every Day Is A New Year...

“If you are motivated by kind and happy thoughts, even seemingly negative actions can bring about Positive results.”  His Holiness Dalai Lama

Now that the New Year has begun, it’s important to start it off right! Just the way  you start your mornings with a positive thought and gratitude, rest of the day seems to be a piece of cake even if u are to encounter an obstacle. With a clear mind the right solutions come to you. Think of the first day of the New Year as the morning of your every days, and think of the rest of the year as the rest of your days. Start this first year of the day with a positive attitude that follows you throughout the year, where the whole year seems easy and everything comes to you with effortless ease.
Today close your eyes, and imagine yourself standing in an open field. As you stand in that field you have a bag filled with seeds. In each direction of the universe, plant a seed of what you want to see grow in your life this year. Enclose yourself with the seeds you plant around you.  As you imagine yourself planting each seed, repeat silently in your head


As you imagine yourself planting the seeds around you, imagine the seeds growing,  where you stand in the midst of tall trees encircling you. Each tree around you stands tall and represents happiness, love, joy, abundance & peace. The tree keeps growing and there is no limit to what you deserve to have within this universe! You stand in the forest of your own dreams!


Let go of sadness and what wasn't meant to be to last year, allowing room for happiness and beautiful things that are meant to be for this year. Make this year a year that matters, a year with unlimited possibilities achieving all your goals, a world that you never feel alone a life that you don’t want to escape from!

Happy New Year to All My Friends!
In Metta.

Dr. Sania A.