Friday 18 October 2013



One day you wake up and you realize that the life that you are living wasn't to it's fullest potential. Something in your life needs to change. Every breath that you took wasn't with it's fullest vital capacity. You weren't breathing enough you weren't living enough. You always walked around with this sense of emptiness within you that just never seemed to be complete.

So one day you get up and you realize that you need to fill in the gaps inside you. That gap inside you is the gap between you and your thoughts. How do you fill in the gaps? With silence; with effortless ease. Let the unlimited abundance flow inside you. Everything that you ever desired in your life such as happiness, love, joy, material wealth already exists inside you. All you need to do is to step in the field of all possibilities.

Each Soul is born with pure potentiality and the sky is your's and that is where your limit lye's. The Universe belongs to you and you belong to the Universe. If every breath you take is within great divine of the Universe the who can ever be against you?

When you plant the seeds of success in the field of all possibilities, knowing that anything that your heart desires is possible the gap between you and your thoughts are fulfilled spontaneously.

Remember to always stay still during the chaotic storms in your life, because you are exactly where you are suppose to be. You are meant to flow in the direction of the water as it flows through the rivers and seas. You cannot flow against the flow of the currents of the ocean; you'll never get where you are suppose to be. Accept everything as it is. You are alive you were never dead. Let the complete harmony inside you flow with effortless ease and everything will come to you just watch and see!

Love. Peace. Harmony.
Dr. Sania A. 

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